Sunday, March 29, 2015

Week Eight: Turn Down for What

No, I am not talking about the Lil' Jon song.

  Image result for turn down for what  You can get your listen on here 

I am talking about learning the art of saying no in a world of vices.  This is that mental hurdle I was speaking about in my last blog.

Last week was trying. My days were filled with walking into a kitchen for work and being offered a cake or getting tickets a cocktail party. And of course life brings meeting up with friends for drinks and supper and dinner club with my ladies. I have a good life, how do I say no! And more than that how do I make changes from this life and my friends who all value love and laughter around a good meal or a glass of wine. These are also my values.

Baby steps, that's how.

I've been honest with my friends in asking to eat at restaurants I know I can eat at and recently even been turning down invitations that are too tempting.  I imagine that soon I will be able to have a cheat day here and there where I don't think twice about how many passed hor dourves I have.  But in my current situation, that extra square of dark chocolate or one piece of bread is past my limit.  I recently heard that after a year or so of regular hard working diet & exercise, your metabolism can be more lax about what you eat.  But I have a long way to go.  So, slowly I will go chipping away the pounds and I will be very selective on which vices I choose to allow in my life, depending on which make me happiest.

A large part of my lifestyle change is to start replacing all those dinners with physical activities I can partake in with friends.  I imagine I can replace a morning brunch with cocktails with a morning run and a healthy brunch to follow.  Evenings at bar can be exchanged for dance classes or just hitting the dance floor.  And Saturday's on the couch with Zvi might be replaced with hikes.  I still have yet to find such activities. And it's hard to know who I can ask to take a hike or go for a run.  But with baby steps and understanding for how challenging this is for me, I will be able to balance putting calories in my body with activities that also take calories out of my body.  And of course my disciplined days and my new more active lifestyle will still be rewarded with dinners around love and laughter.  I am a chef after all and there is no place better to smile with friends than around a good meal.  Though this time I might turn down for what, for pasta!

Week Eight: 185 pounds

Note: I had a hard week.  I worked hard and gained a pound.  I chalked it up to gaining muscle and told myself that is good.  Lean body weight is great!  After speaking with a coach at the gym, I have implemented juicing.  Not instead of meals, but in addition and am now having smaller meals.  I am using the fiber to boost my metabolism and filling my stomach and my cravings with fruits and vegetables.

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